The word itself is defined with dedication and passion... What is a teacher without those two elements? Answer is... zero... Two semesters of practical has opened my eyes to a lot of things... Being an apprentice is no joke people... seriously... too much to handle... Students and the syllabus...
Sometimes i wonder i was born to do this... Too much protocol sometimes... so many rule to follow... worst part is the evaluation... Seriously, it can get nasty... especially when you're the kind that needs at least 8 hours of sleep a day? For me, i'm teaching the Malay language... Sheesh! It can get grammar-ly brutal... Man!! its mass-braincells-murder... I wished i mastered that language like i did with English... that would really help.. But Duh!! Doesnt seem that way... My tongue gets twisted sometimes speaking to fast... not to say the 'language-cocktail' of BM & Eng... Gets crazy sometimes... i remembered how i have to prepare my 'script' for teaching... like the ones in a drama... or else the lecturers would go berserk with the 'mempertahankan bahasa' crap... honestly, who would enjoy a class which uses grammatically precised sentences? Darn! count me out...
Well, the last practical was great...but stressful though...
I did enjoy the working enviroment in the school i was teaching.. but the students were really a handful to handle.. *Kids these days....* None the less, the last day was really awesome... i had major...i mean major fun with my students... Since Raya was just around the corner, i decided to sing some raya songs with the kids... doing the unplug version of 'Selamat Hari Raya' by Saloma, was simply mind blowing for the kids... Just imagine, all off them sitting around singing along...Not just tat, the farewell the kids gave just touched my heart... hugs and tears... haha...
Maybe it just during practical that you get 'special-treatments' like that... but what the heck... just feels great... I have to admit... being a teacher doesnt leave you empty handed... I hope to be a good teacher...till i retire... that would at least 35 years from now... sigh... long long way to go...

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