Yeap... Its 'The Charlie's Angels'...
Having two sisters is a total saver... (Maybe my parents would think otherwise)... You get to share almost everything.. like me and my elder sis, we share a cupboard of clothes... and because we are girls, we sort of understand each other better... Well on my part, its really good to be stucked in the middle... you get the best of both world's.. (minus the fact that you'd have to be the peacemaker when the 'War of The World's start)... there was a time when, we couldnt even sit down for a decent conversation... Gosh! Someone would have to set the bomb off.. No doubt, i did have my fair share off pillow fights though.. However, things have changed now... Things seem settled down now... Lydia (leader of the pack) is now in K.L working... meanwhile Anna (small fry) is now in uni... Time does fly...
The last time i remembered, Anna was still a...well small-fry..... but now she's as tall as i am now... Besides that, she use to be the 'Datin' and everyone would have to be her drebar... Just recently, i observed her as she took the wheels for a spin.. *chuckle... my, my... all grown up now.... I used to be very close to my elder sister...but then since i started studying away from home... we did grow apart for a while...she, busy with her life... and me, my own life... It felt really wrong, especially when 'crisis' struck... None the less, i guess i would say.. she has always made effort to be the 'BIG SISTA' helping out whenever she can...
Its amazing what maturity does to a least for now there's a special bond between us... The trip to K.L with the both of them was simply the best.... Just lepak-king and doing what girls do best... SHOPPING!! (WhiteChicks Style)... With my sister as the Leader of the Pack, lots of makeup, perfume and clothes consultations... eveything was the 'green-light' for her... We had a good time... Just a shoutout to you're both simply the best... Maybe we could take it up a level the next time we hang out...maybe a vacation somewhere? hehe... Just a thought... 
next round maybe Pavillion..
and i want it to be just the 3 of us only..
unless dad, mom & grandma want in on the action..
pavilion? i was thinking a trip to Cameron or Genting...
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